Mubazi is one of four sites that came on board with the Food Security program in January of 2014.
- Mubazi - already has had a yield of maize, they were given 20.Kg of seed and estimate their yield at about 200Kgs. They have 395,000 FRW in their account. Once they have finished the harvest and have a final count, they will return money to the Food Security Program. They have now planted Irish potatoes to rotate the crops.
They also report that they have found the training they have received very valuable and has served to help them a great deal. They are also extremely grateful for the Paravet, and refer to him as the 'capstone', helping them day to day.
They are preparing to receive the goats from the Food Security Program- these will be distributed on the next market day.
Archdeacon Moses came to the training from Taba Parish, one of the four sites in the area. He reported for Taba telling us that they have also harvested the maize. They don't have final figures yet, but they also had a good harvest. He spoke about the challenge of having to cultivate on many small parcels of land, rather than a larger common crop. They hope for this in the future. They are presently growing wheat, and next season will plant the Irish potatoes.
So, just a recap, of the four sites in this area, two: Gatanda and Mashiro have received the goats. Mubazi and Taba will receive them fairly shortly. All sites have received the maize and have already had a yield. The goats at Gatanda and Mashiro are doing well and there are already several kids on the ground from these goats.
We were very pleased to see the progress. Rachael commented that she had anticipated seeing progress but that they had exceeded her expectations. Way to Go!! They are such motivated people at these sites with a strong desire to improve. One of the ladies at Mubazi stated that she wanted to be "perfect in her job" of rearing her animals. Well done!